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Entries from June 2014

Medications for Pain Series: Research Advances

June 30th, 2014 · Comments Off on Medications for Pain Series: Research Advances

This article is one in a series on Medications for Pain. What are your choices? How do various medications work? What are the pros and cons? How about side effects? Here are 2 promising advances in research for pain. 1. The first advance is studying multiple medications together. As you might know all too well, it’s […]

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Medications for Pain Series: Medication Advances

June 23rd, 2014 · Comments Off on Medications for Pain Series: Medication Advances

This article is in a series on Medications for Pain. What are your choices? How do various medications work? What are the pros and cons? How about side effects? What are some medication advances coming soon? 1. Improvements to opiates (narcotics) While opiates or narcotics are sometimes helpful, they have more than their share of negatives. Selective narcotics, […]

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Medication for Pain Series: Antipsychotics

June 16th, 2014 · Comments Off on Medication for Pain Series: Antipsychotics

This article is in a series on Medications for Pain. What are your choices?  How do various medications work? What are the pros and cons? How about side effects? Antipsychotics are medications originally used for psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, where a person’s thinking becomes disorganized or delusional. Like many medication classes, antipsychotics aren’t FDA-approved for any […]

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Medications for Pain: Opiates

June 9th, 2014 · Comments Off on Medications for Pain: Opiates

This article is in our series on Medications for Pain. What are your choices? How do various medications work? What are the pros and cons? How about side effects? Opiate medication, sometimes called narcotics are medications designed to treat both acute and chronic pain. Of all medications for pain, narcotics probably get the most press and cause the […]

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Medications for Pain Series: Blood Pressure Medication

June 2nd, 2014 · Comments Off on Medications for Pain Series: Blood Pressure Medication

This article is one in a series on Medications for Pain. What are your choices? How do various medications work? Pros and cons? How about side effects? Anti-Hypertensive Medication are drugs originally used to control high blood pressure. A common medication from this class that’s used for pain is Clonidine. Like muscle relaxants, anti-hypertensives indirectly decrease pain. They would be […]

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